Every penny of donations go to fund the work and campaigning I do in Hove & Portslade. It enables me to run an open and accessible constituency office in central Hove – a place where anyone can turn up at any time to get help. And it enables me to fight elections: and 2024 is a crucial one to bring the change to the country that it needs.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for any money you can donate Peter.
Click here to donate via PayPal. Follow the steps below:
- Log into your account at PayPal.com, select “Pay or send money” and choose whether you’re paying for goods or services or sending money to friends and family.
- Enter the our email address christopher.henry@parliament.uk and click “Next”.
- Enter the amount and click “Continue”.
To pay via online banking:
Our banking details are:
Name: Lucraft Hodgson & Dawes LLP
Sort code: 201280
Account number: 23834042
To pay via cheque:
Make your cheque payable to “Peter Kyle Campaign” and post to Constituency Office, Peter Kyle MP, 99 Church Road, Hove BN3 2BA.