Knocking on doors to talk to residents is part of our political culture, there’s something really ‘British’ about it. It’s also one of the parts of my job I love the most and I really mean that. I get to hear from loads of people who would never normally contact their MP and I learn so much every time I do it.
Today I was in Downs Park Estate in North Portslade with fantastic local councillor Peter Atkinson, Cllr Tracy Hill who trekked over from Hollingdean & Stanmer, and a really lovely team of Portslade volunteers.
The conversations I had covered so many issues that are on people’s minds right now, including the new recycling collection trial (very popular), a waste food energy generation scheme (open minded but want more information), and neighbourhood traffic issues (Cllr Atkinson is already scheduled to bring this issue to a council meeting next week which was impressive). I met a police officer who updated me on local frontline challenges, and a mother who’s son is studying in London who worries about safety in the capital after the Paris attacks. And that’s just a taster!
I try to communicate with people in as many ways as possible. Social media, the papers, TV and radio, and leaflets too, but for me the bedrock will always be getting out into neighbourhoods and just listening and talking about whatever’s on your mind. Thanks to everyone I met today…and sorry to those who’s weekend lie-in I wrecked!! All the best, Peter