On the 14th of May Alison McGovern our Shadow Minister for Employment and Social Security spoke on Sky News about the UKs rising unemployment. She points to the Torie’s failure to capitalise on the economy’s recovery period to maximise employment in the UK’s worst off areas.
Alison’s plan to fix this is simple: create hundreds of thousands of good jobs, give people stronger contracts & higher wages with our New Deal for Working People (in cooperation with trade unions!), and reform jobcentres so people get proper support.
This latter point is important – job centres across the UK have a ‘tick-box culture’ and don’t offer real help. Labour’s commitment to banning zero hours contracts will ensure that people can be offered secure long term employment.
Our New Deal for Working People will invest in green energy to keep energy costs down and provide thousands of skilled jobs. Peter will be highly involved in its implementation as Shadow Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology – the UK will become a hotbed for research and investment for green energy under his watch.