It’s been quite a year. Three prime ministers, two monarchs, a war in Europe and multiple crises back home.
But Christmas is about hope. It’s also a time to change pace and focus on the people we love. I’ll be spending Christmas with my dad and family and enjoying a bit of downtime.
All year long I hear people talking about brilliant tv shows and I don’t get the chance to watch much of it, so I’ll be catching up on some of the great TV I keep hearing about, reading, seeing as many friends as I can and – the ultimate luxury – getting loads of sleep!
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me as your MP for another year. Too often the things that make the news are negatives about public life, but that pales compared to the overwhelming kindness and support I’m offered by people. Honestly, doing this job for you remains the privilege of a lifetime.
I love the photo on my Christmas card this year and I’m eternally grateful to Tony Bowall for allowing me to use it. Please check out his work and images of our city, they’re amazing.
I truly wish you a restful, fun and peaceful break.
Merry Christmas, Peter