Stephen Bray has been protesting against Brexit outside parliament for the last 18 months. He’s been there every day that parliament has been sitting.
The thing is that he’s such a lovely man and so respectful to others that it’s set the tone for the campaign as it’s grown day by day to become such a huge movement.
I often stop to chat to Stephen when I’m passing, and last night we finished voting at 10.30 in the evening and he was still there as I left parliament. He sometimes gets his phone out and records our conversations, so today rather than write about what’s happening I thought I’d share Stephen’s post instead! You can view it here.
The key thing to remember about today is that we’re not voting on ‘the deal’. Today we’re debating a non-binding and amendable motion which means government aren’t bound by what the Commons says. Anyway, it’s all in this really enjoyable late night chat with Stephen! Yours, Peter