Today we saw the utter humiliation of our prime minister. It was excruciating and uncomfortable to watch but please bear in mind that she painted herself into this corner with the choices she made.
She was offered a clear majority in the House for staying in the Single Market, then the Customs Union, and then even EFTA, all of which would have delivered a Brexit which protected our economy. She chose not to based on the belief that the Brexiteers would carry her over the finish line and the rest of her MPs could be bullied into line. She was wrong.
The reason is simple. The ‘deal’ she has returned hone with gives total control of all regulatory and economic lawmaking to the EU for an unlimited period of time whilst giving up all ability for the British government to influence, control, or reject it. We would loose our opt-out, our veto, and positions in the European Parliament and Commission yet take all of their diktats.
Secondly there would be no guarantees on our trade into the future and our entire service sector (80% of the economy) has no deal at all.
And for all this we pay the EU £39billion.
Brexiteers hate this deal because it shifts power away from Britain and into the EU. Remainers hate this deal because because in every single area the current deal offers better value and more power than the prime Minister’s deal does.
Everyone hates this deal.
I sat in the chamber today astonished that for the first two hours of questions not one single MP from any party supported the prime minister’s deal. Not one.
I voted against Article 50 because it was so obvious government weren’t ready for the negotiations. Then, after setting the countdown running she wasted 3 months of precious negotiating time by calling a pointless general election. All the way through this I have seen game-playing with Brexit coming first rather than national interest and I’ve had enough.
There is only three ways forward now. If she can’t get this deal through, which looks extremely likely, then she can resign, call an election, or return to voters with a People’s Vote.
Only one of those options answers the question of how we resolve the Brexit referendum. The last referendum was based on promises, but we now know the facts and people must have a say on the facts.
I will never vote for this deal in the Commons because I know it will damage our country. But I accept the fact that if the country decide this is good enough and approve it in a referendum then it will pass through parliament because most MPs will approve it.
There is no way forward as a country that avoids rancour and debate. If this deal goes through we will enter years of negotiation from outside of the EU with no power at all, imagine that. If we have a People’s Vote then the next six months will be tough for us as a country, but at least we will know that the final decision was made as a united country and not a dysfunctional parliament.
I’ve only been an MP for three years, and what a three years it’s been! These are immense decisions being taken about our future. I’ve tried my absolute best to give voice to our community and do what’s best for our country. I know that my stance will upset and anger some but I hope you all know that I am always here to debate and discuss these issues and I will always do so as open-heartedly as I can.
So please let me know what you think, I’m hear to listen. Peter