I always love my job but sometimes I love it more than others! Today was as good as it gets because I was invited to meet two Hove residents celebrating their 100th birthdays. How often do you get to say that?!
When Doris and Ruby were born Lloyd-George was prime minister. It was also the year of the Battle of the Somme where two million soldiers died in battle. All the residents at Harewood Court were gathered and I wished them both happy birthday. Fro…m the bottom of my heart I thanked them for the many sacrifices their generation made so that mine, and many others to come, can enjoy more freedoms and opportunities than any other before.
I got to speak with loads of other Harewood Court residents too. There was so much fun and energy in the room along with tough questions for me about everything from the EU referendum to access to shops for mobility-impaired people and some terrible stories about the recent hospital transport fiasco that I will be following up next week.
Living into old age brings many challenges and it can be a daunting prospect. But today I met so many engaged, active, inquisitive and hugely fun people. I came away inspired and with my fingers crossed that one day I too will be approaching my centenary and sharing stories and jokes with a newbie MP!
Happy Birthday Dorris and Ruby, thank you for having me along to the party! All the best, Peter