I’m incensed by the fact Theresa May is going on a Brexit tour of our country. Why? Because the first time she has gone on tour it is to sell her bad deal when what she should have done is travelled our nation two years ago listening to people on both sides of the debate to understand what they wanted from Brexit *before* entering negotiations.
This is pathetically little and late.
You might say it’s easy for me to criticise now, but I’ve been telling her this since the very beginning. Here I am in the Commons last year asking the prime minister what she is doing to listen and understand what Leave voters are excited about and what Remain voters are anxious about. I tell her to stop obsessing on her own cabinet and start listening to the country.
Her answer was at least honest. She said she will negotiate the deal *she* thinks is in the best interests of the country. That’s right, she shut out the public and now demands we unite around her deal. I really am upset by the hubris she has shown throughout this process, but it explains why we’re in such a mess.
She didn’t do any listening exercises, no touring, no people’s assemblies, not even organised groups of every day people coming into Number Ten so she could listen to them. It was always going to be her way or no way.
And now we are in the absurd position of the prime minister going around the country telling the very people she wants to deny another vote that they should support this paltry deal. She’s doing this because she wants the public to bully the people who do have a vote, MP’s, into supporting it too.
Politics has never been more messed up and I am so sorry for you, residents, for having to put up with it.
The prime minister also wants to do a TV debate with Jeremy Corbyn. Again this is nothing more than a distraction. If she really cared about the public she would be having a TV debate with you, the voting public.
She should be on TV being questioned by a panel consisting of young people who couldn’t vote in 2016, businesspeople large and small, university vice chancellors and students, someone who lives on Northern Ireland border, and a cash-strapped family who like to go to the continent on holiday from time to time and will no longer be able to use the EU National’s immigration lane and are being clobbered by devaluation of our currency.
These are the people Theresa May should be debating on TV, not other politicians who she gets to debate every week in parliament already.
All you need to know about Theresa May’s ‘deal’ is this: It keeps all of the things people are sceptical about the EU, like rules, regulations and payments. And in March next year dumps all of the things that we love about our membership like access, completely free trade, influence, representation, the veto and opt-out.
It’s amazing in its stupidity isn’t it?
So incredibly bad is this deal that it’s united the extremes of politics as well as the mainstream of both parties. If that isn’t bonkers enough then think about this: even Presidents Trump and Obama are united in thinking this Brexit is bad for us!
If Theresa May cared about you, residents and voters, then there’s one simple question she needs to answer: why is she going around the country telling you it’s a good deal but not allowing you to give an answer in the only credible way for a democracy, by giving you a People’s Vote UK. You deserve a say on if this deal good enough deal for you, your family, and your country, I am am fighting for just that. Yours, Peter